πŸ’»Run web client

Run the checkout page locally

```In this section, you will run the Hyperswitch web client SDK on your machine

Accept payments from around the globe with a secure, Unified Checkout that gives your customers the best in class payment experience


Clone the repository

Clone the repository from Github and save in your folder.

git clone https://github.com/juspay/hyperswitch-web.git
cd hyperswitch-web

Once the repository is cloned, switch to the project directory.

Setup the repository

First install all the node modules by running the following command

npm install

Once the installation is successful, you can compile the app with the following command on one terminal -

npm run re:start

and can run the server with the following command on another terminal

npm run start

This will trigger a build of the project. On a successful build, you should see a message Compiled successfully in your terminal.

Now you can proceed with launching the playground.

NOTE: The playground is a full stack integrated demo app where you can test your payments. In a separate terminal, run the following command to start the app on your local machine.

npm run start:playground

This step will prompt you to enter 3 details that you must have received in the previous step when you set up the app server -

Congratulations! You will now see the web app running on http://localhost:9060 where you can test your payments.

Troubleshooting/ FAQs

  • I cannot see the Web app playground running on http://localhost:9060 Please recheck the publishable key and secret key that you have provided along with the URLs that you entered during the setup. Make sure that the self-hosted Hyperswitch server URL is your app server URL and the application server URL is the playground server URL

  • npm commands are throwing errors Please ensure you have the latest version of npm installed on your system. Once that is done, please reinstall the client application. You can also use yarn instead.

  • I don't know my Self-hosted Hyperswitch Server URL You should get this as an output when you ran the app server. Running the app server is a pre-requisite for the client playground to run. Please ensure that you have followed steps for running the app server.

Next step:

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